Employee Anxiety Affects the Company

La ansiedad de los empleados afecta a la empresa

Employee Anxiety Affects the Company

Companies worldwide are increasingly aware of the importance of caring for the mental and emotional health of their employees. Anxiety, stress, or depression are becoming more common issues in the workplace, and their impact on productivity and business success is profound.

The publication «Cost of lost productive work time among US workers with depression" from 2003 already highlights that most of the costs of Lost Productive Time (LPT) faced by US companies due to employee depression are invisible and explained by reduced job performance. It is evident that this decreased performance affects productivity and business success. Companies that ignore these issues risk experiencing absenteeism, decreased productivity, and increased costs.

The United Nations emphasizes that anxiety disorders in adults can have negative economic repercussions, such as loss of productivity and a burden on healthcare systems. According to their report, anxiety disorders cost the global economy over a trillion dollars each year, and more than 12 billion workdays are lost due to these disorders.

A study by the American Psychological Association reveals that workplace stress is related to anxiety and a decrease in job satisfaction and productivity. Although the report does not specifically focus on the workplace, it acknowledges that work-related issues, such as workload and a lack of work-life balance, can significantly contribute to worker stress in the United States.

So, how can companies help mitigate these issues and protect the emotional health of their employees?

Forbes highlights in this article why companies should prioritize employee health and happiness in 2024. The publication emphasizes that companies should prioritize the health and happiness of their employees for long-term benefits, including retention, increased revenue, and productivity. It also highlights how companies can support the well-being of their workers through programs and continuous improvement strategies in the workplace environment.

The article titled 'What Companies Can Do to Help Employees Address Mental Health Issues,'published in the Harvard Business Review in December 2018, describes ways in which companies can address mental health issues in the workplace and support employees facing mental health problems. The article argues that companies can play a significant role in supporting the mental health of their employees and providing a healthy and productive work environment.

One way to mitigate these issues in the workplace is by offering individual emotional assistance services, which can help employees cope with stress and anxiety. Additionally, providing training and group workshops can help employees enhance their emotional skills and teamwork. Finally, offering positive and energizing workspaces, such as quiet and balanced environments, appropriate lighting, and comfortable furniture, can improve employees' emotional health.

In short, taking care of employees' emotional health is crucial to ensuring long-term business success. We can work together to create a more positive, healthy, and happy positive, healthy and happy work environment.


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