Employee Happiness Influences Productivity

La Felicidad de los Empleados influye en la Productividad
Employee Happiness Influences Productivity

Although you know that when we are happy and calm things go better because it is something that we verify in our day to day, today we bring you a study that shows that Employee Happiness influences Productivity.

The study entitled «Does Employee Happiness Have an Impact on Productivity?» analyzes the relationship between employees' emotional well-being and their job performance, using detailed data from telephone sales workers at British Telecom. Below, I summarize the main conclusions of the report:

1.- Positive impact of emotional well-being on productivity:

The study found that employees who reported a higher level of happiness increased their weekly sales by 12%. This increase was not due to working longer hours, but to being more efficient in converting calls into sales.

2.- Productivity channels:

Three main mechanisms were observed that explain how happiness affects performance:

  • Better time organization: Happy workers tend to follow their work schedules more closely.
  • Increased speed at work: Happier employees answer more calls per hour.
  • Higher conversion rate: The biggest factor was that happy workers were better at converting calls into sales.

3.- Impact of external conditions:

A quasi-natural experiment was used that showed how weather conditions affected employees' moods. It was shown that days with brighter weather (vs. cloudy days) had a positive influence on happiness and, therefore, on performance.

4.- Complex vs. routine tasks:

The relationship between happiness and productivity was strongest in complex tasks, such as selling product packages, where social and emotional skills are crucial. In contrast, happiness had a lower impact on routine tasks.

5.- Growing importance of happiness:

The results suggest that, as social interactions and negotiation with customers become more common in the modern work environment, happiness will be an increasingly important factor in explaining productivity differences.

This study confirms the importance of employee happiness not only for their personal well-being, but also as a key factor in improving the company's results.

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